Softwares and it's types

Computer Software and its Types

A computer cannot do anything on its own. It must be instructed to do a desired job. Hence, it is necessary to specify a sequence of instructions, which a computer must perform to solve a problem. Such a sequence of instructions, written in a language, which can be understood by a computer, is called a computer program. It is the program, which controls the activity of processing by the computer, and the computer performs precisely what the program wants it to do. When a computer is using a program, we say, it is running or executing that program. The term software is refers to the set of computer programs, procedures, and associated documents (flowcharts, manuals, etc.), which describes the programs, and how they are to be used. To be precise, software means a collection of programs A software package is a group of programs, which solve a specific problem or perform a specific type of job. For example, a word-processing package may contain programs for text editing, text formatting, drawing graphics, spelling checking, etc. Hence, a multipurpose computer system has several software packages, one each for  every type of job it can perform.

Types of software
Although, the range of software available today is vast and varied, most software can be divided into two major categories:

System Software,

Application Software

System Software:

System software is a set of one or more programs, designed to control the operation and extend the processing capability of a computer system.

Some of the most commonly known types of system software are:

Operating Systems
Programming language Translators.
Communication Software:

Application Software:

Application software is a set of one or more programs, designed to solve a specific problem, or to do a specific task.  application software’s are:

Word-Processing Software:
Graphics Software:
Personal Assistance Software:

Entertainment Software: 


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