Google has launched the Nest Mini in India, priced at Rs 4,499. The device promises better sound and more mounting options. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest via
Paytm said on Monday it has raised fresh funds from a group of investors, including existing backers such as SoftBank's Vision Fund and Alibaba's Ant Financial. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest via
Realme has officially unveiled its update roadmap for ColorOS 7 for its smartphone lineup. The Realme X2 Pro will be eligible for ColorOS 7 beta from December 18. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest via
HP on Sunday reiterated its rejection of Xerox's $33 billion takeover bid, saying the sum "significantly undervalues" the company. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest via
Ahead of its official debut, alleged renders of the Galaxy S11 have surfaced online revealing a hole-punch design and triple rear cameras. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest via
Frozen 2 brought in an estimated $350.2 million in its opening weekend at the global box office, delivering the biggest opening for an animated movie of all time in the process.
Tesla's new electric pickup truck has secured almost 150,000 orders, the company's chief executive Elon Musk boasted on Twitter, just two days after its big reveal went embarrassingly wrong.
Frozen 2 brought in an estimated $350.2 million in its opening weekend at the global box office, delivering the biggest opening for an animated movie of all time in the process. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest via
Realme has confirmed that it's first 5G phone, the Realme X50, will arrive soon with dual-mode 5G support and a hole-punch design. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest via
Twitter is finally rolling out a new security feature to enable two-factor authentication (2FA) where users do not require to give their phone number. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest via
The "Contract for the Web" seeks commitments from governments and industry to make and keep knowledge freely available. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest via
Tesla's new electric pickup truck has secured almost 150,000 orders, the company's chief executive Elon Musk boasted on Twitter, just two days after its big reveal went embarrassingly wrong. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest via
Realme X2 Pro price reveal, Realme 5s launch, Redmi Note 8 Pro new variant, and Airtel price hike were some of the biggest tech news stories of the week.
Realme X2 Pro price reveal, Realme 5s launch, Redmi Note 8 Pro new variant, and Airtel price hike were some of the biggest tech news stories of the week. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest via