Elon Musk to Take on Google, Microsoft in AI Race; Will Create 'Truth-Seeking' AI
Elon Musk is out to counter Microsoft and Google artificial intelligence efforts with "truth-seeking AI" that shuns political correctness, he said during an interview aired late Monday. The billionaire boss of Twitter and Tesla voiced anew his concerns about the danger of AI , saying it has "the potential of civilizational destruction." He said he was also worried that the ChatGPT bot created by startup OpenAI was being taught to be politically correct. "I'm going to start something which is called TruthGPT, or an absolute truth-seeking AI that tries to understand the nature of the universe," Musk said. He reasoned AI would see people as an interesting part of the universe and decide not to "annihilate humans." Musk has formed an X.AI artificial intelligence corporation based in the US state of Nevada, according to business documents. He recently merged Twitter with a newly created "X" shell company, keeping the brand nam...