Telegram Adds New Features Including Reaction Stickers, Music in Stories, and More
Telegram launched the stories feature for premium users in July, which was later available for all users in August. Now, the company has added new updates to the feature, allowing users to add music and reaction stickers to the stories. Moreover, users can directly send and share media in view-once mode, which can be changed anytime. Telegram has now extended the ability to put up stories to channels. In order to do so, they need to receive boots from their users. In August, Telegram made its Stories feature available to all users. It works similarly to Instagram Stories and lets users put up stories for 6, 12, 24 or 48 hours. Now, the social media platform has extended the ability to post stories for Telegram Channels. However, they will be dependent on a boost from Premium users to do so. Telegram Premium will provide one boost per user that can be granted to any channel. As the channels gain boosts, they will step up to different levels. With each level, channel a...