Garmin Venu has been launched at Rs. 37,490, while the Vivoactive 4 GPS smartwatch has been launched Rs. 32,590. The Garmin Venu smartwatch will be an Amazon exclusive until December 15. VÃvoactive 4...
Airtel has removed the FUP limit on voice calls for all unlimited plans and has rolled out a trio of new bundled plans. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest via
Garmin Venu has been launched at Rs. 37,490, while the Vivoactive 4 GPS smartwatch has been launched Rs. 32,590. The Garmin Venu smartwatch will be an Amazon exclusive until December 15. VÃvoactive 4... from NDTV Gadgets - Latest via
WhatsApp has started receiving a call waiting feature with the latest beta and stable updates, alongside the new group privacy feature and fingerprint lock support. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest via
WhatsApp has started receiving a call waiting feature with the latest beta and stable updates, alongside the new group privacy feature and fingerprint lock support.
As per a new report, Samsung Galaxy A51 will reportedly be launched on December 12 packing quad rear cameras and flaunting a hole-punch design. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest via
Hastings has said Netflix's goal is to attract 100 million customers in India -- almost 25 times its estimated subscriber base there as of this year. The world's second-most populous country is a... from NDTV Gadgets - Latest via
Hastings has said Netflix's goal is to attract 100 million customers in India -- almost 25 times its estimated subscriber base there as of this year. The world's second-most populous country is a...
According to Facebook-owned Oculus, the new announcement marks an important milestone for the VR community, as it demonstrates VR's maturation and value in the realms of productivity and non-gaming...
According to Facebook-owned Oculus, the new announcement marks an important milestone for the VR community, as it demonstrates VR's maturation and value in the realms of productivity and non-gaming... from NDTV Gadgets - Latest via
Live images of the Redmi K30's retail package have surfaced online. Also, the company has confirmed 3.5mm headphone jack and dual-frequency GPS support for the phone.
US regulators on Friday said they had found now-defunct British political consulting firm Cambridge Analytica deceived consumers about the collection of Facebook data for voter profiling and...
Live images of the Redmi K30's retail package have surfaced online. Also, the company has confirmed 3.5mm headphone jack and dual-frequency GPS support for the phone. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest via
US regulators on Friday said they had found now-defunct British political consulting firm Cambridge Analytica deceived consumers about the collection of Facebook data for voter profiling and... from NDTV Gadgets - Latest via