
Showing posts from January 10, 2023

Apple Planning to Start Using In-House Displays for Some Apple Watch Models From 2024: Report

Apple is planning to start using its own custom displays in its mobile devices from 2024 onwards in an attempt to bring more components in-house, Bloomberg News reported on Tuesday, citing people with knowledge of the matter. The company intends to begin by swapping out the display in the highest-end Apple Watches by the end of next year. Apple plans to eventually bring these displays to other devices as well, including the iPhone, according to the report. The Cupertino, California-based tech giant is aiming to reduce its reliance on other partners such as Samsung Electronics and LG . Apple did not immediately respond to a Reuters' request for comment, while Samsung Display, a unit of Samsung Electronics, and LG Display declined to comment. The report added that the screens would upgrade the current OLED standard to a technology called microLED. Bloomberg News had reported on Monday that Apple plans to replace Broadcom chips from its devices with an in-house design in 2025.

Microsoft Unveils VALL-E, Audio AI That Can Simulate Any Voice From 3-Second Prompts

Microsoft researchers recently announced VALL-E, a new text-to-speech AI model that can accurately mimic a person's voice when given a three-second audio sample. Once it has learned a specific voice, VALL-E can synthesise audio of that person saying anything—while attempting to retain the speaker's emotional tone. When combined with other generative AI models like GPT-3, VALL-E's creators believe it can be used for high-quality text-to-speech applications, speech editing in which a recording of a person could be edited and altered from a text transcript (making them say something they did not actually say), and audio content creation. According to Microsoft , VALL-E is primarily a "neural codec language model," and is based on EnCodec, which Meta revealed in October 2022. VALL-E creates discrete audio codec codes from text and acoustic prompts, as opposed to other text-to-speech methods that typically synthesise speech by manipulating waveforms. It processes ho

Unofficial ChatGPT App With $7.99 Subscription Fee Trends on Apple’s App Store: Report

An unofficial ChatGPT app is reportedly trending on Apple's App Store. ChatGPT is a free-for-all AI tool that is available to users around the world over the web. However, an unofficial app version of the web-based AI chatbot seems to be trending on the App Store. The app, which is named “ChatGPT Chat GPT AI With GPT-3," is charging Apple users a subscription fee, while claiming to work like OpenAI's popular chatbot software designed to mimic human-like conversation based on user prompts. According to a report by MacRumors, an unofficial app that claims to be the app version of OpenAI's ChatGPT , which is a free-for-all text-based AI tool available on the web, is trending on Apple's App Store . The original model developed by OpenAI is based on GPT-3 , which stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3, and is currently being tipped as the next biggest innovation in artificial intelligence. The trending app, however, is named 'ChatGPT Chat GPT AI With GP

MG Motors India Opens Virtual Doors to Auto Expo 2023 Pavilion in Metaverse: Details

MG Motors India on Tuesday, January 10, said that it set up its Auto Expo 2023 pavilion in the metaverse in partnership with Metadome, an immersive 3D and extended reality (XR) technology company. Called the MGverse, the automobile brand's metaverse will allow people to visit its pavilion in its Auto Expo 2023 event — from the comfort of their homes — in a fully functional virtual universe. Visitors, as digital avatars, will be able to personalise MG vehicles in the MGverse, and will also be able to finalise car purchases. MG Motors India is aiming to rope in a clientele of new age tech-savvy car enthusiasts by foraying into the metaverse . “With the automotive buying journey moving online and new-age customers demanding digital products and brand experiences more than ever, MGverse, the first of its kind is creating a new era of immersive customer experiences,” Gaurav Gupta, Chief Commercial Officer, MG Motor India, said in a statement. The company has created a virtual mirror

Nepal Goes Anti-Crypto, Orders Block on All Crypto Trading Platforms

Nepal is not among the growing list of nations, that are approaching the crypto sector with a friendly approach. The telecom regulator of Nepal has instructed all the Internet service providers (ISPs) to remove all the crypto trading platforms from operating there. The ISPs who fail to comply with the directions have been threatened with serious legal actions. In an official notice released for Internet players, Nepal authorities have noted that they have recorded an increase in crypto-related activities. The government of Nepal is concerned about crypto assets being misused to facilitate illegal transactions. “Instructions have been issued by the Nepal Telecom Authority to all Internet (including email) service providers to make arrangements for operation and administration that are unable to access such website, app or online network,” said the official statement from the Nepal Telecommunications Authority. Along with ordering the blockage of crypto sites and platforms from the

Apple iPhone SE Cancelled, Could Continue to Use Qualcomm 5G Chips: Report

Apple has reportedly abandoned plans to launch an iPhone SE in 2024. According to an analyst, the Cupertino-California based tech giant has cancelled the fourth generation iPhone SE planned for next year. The analyst also claimed that Apple was planning to introduce its first in-house 5G chip on the handset, before packing it on its flagship iPhone 16 series. The reported cancellation of iPhone SE, however, could mean that Apple would continue to use Qualcomm chips on its phones in 2024. According to a blog post by technology analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, Apple's instructions to its supply chain suggests that production and shipment plans for the fourth generation iPhone SE have been cancelled. As per Kuo, Apple had initially planned to launch the iPhone SE as the first phone with its in-house 5G chip onboard in 2024, before including it on its iPhone 16 lineup. However, with the reported cancellation of the fourth generation iPhone SE, the company could continue to use Qualcomm's